The world’s first solely electronic market-generating Aircraft Trading Platform and Documentation Management System
About Us

SenAer Trading was founded to provide buyers and sellers optimised access to the maximum number of potential institutional counterparties in the aircraft and part-out marketplace. SenAer has access to 1,300+ participating institutions and over 13,000+ affiliated contacts.

Today, there are over 25,000 commercial aircraft globally. SenAer’s e-platform allows sellers to share aircraft portfolio and part-out deal information in a secure and confidential environment. Buyers are given access to models and information to help them to provide their best bid as efficiently as possible. It is a fully secure integrated server/cloud system satisfying all relevant industry IT security requirements, capable of bespoke tailoring to participants.

The SenAer Documentation Management System is designed to host large volumes of complex cashflow models, aircraft due diligence and sales documentation to enhance bidding and facilitate the completion of a sale.