SenAer Trading
How the Trading Platform Works

SenAer Trading uses secure technology to upload, host and manage aircraft and part-out sales processes from initial market teaser to final portfolio transfer within a closed, tightly controlled system process.

Each portfolio is allocated its own password-protected drive with sellers managing potential buyers’ access to the phases of the sales process.

Upon seller direction, SenAer Trading releases aircraft sale portfolio and/or part-out deal summaries to the bespoke curated pool of e-platform registered institutional investors. Seller identity is confidentially controlled until the NDA is executed. Access to the sale dataroom by potential purchasers is controlled by the seller.

A final stage bidder process will be facilitated to allow uploading of more detailed documents in a one-stop shop portal location, offering a highly efficient mechanism to quickly distribute detailed or bulky documentation to bespoke recipients when time is of the essence in finalising bids.

Once a bidder is successful, the SenAer system provides a comprehensive framework to upload, download and communicate bilaterally between seller and buyer teams in a secure and instant electronic environment. Permissions can be tailored and stratified to configure and limit access to different sectors of documentation for advisor teams, thereby enhancing streamlining and avoiding duplication or unnecessary expense.